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Avoid These Crucial Web Design Mistakes for Ecommerce

3 minutes

by Kade McConville
CEO of EMBARK w/15 years of WordPress experience. Business and Law Graduate. Marathon runner, mental health campaigner & proud dad.

A man in a suit discussing Crucial Web Design Mistakes for Ecommerce at a table with a cup of coffee.

Web design for ecommerce is an important aspect when it comes to creating a successful online business. In today’s digital world, it’s essential for businesses to have a professional, attractive and customer-friendly website. With an ecommerce website, your business can reach a much larger audience and provide customers with an easy and convenient shopping experience.

Avoid These Crucial Web Design Mistakes for Ecommerce

Creating a website for your ecommerce business is an exciting venture. But, if you don’t pay attention to the details, you could be making some costly mistakes. Here are some essential web design mistakes that you should avoid when building an ecommerce website.

1. Not making it Mobile Friendly

Nowadays, more and more people are using their mobile phones and tablets to browse the web. If your website isn’t optimised for mobile, it’s likely that customers will have a hard time navigating your site, which could lead to lost sales. Make sure that your website is responsive and looks great on all devices.

2. Poor Navigation

Having a clear and intuitive navigation is essential for an ecommerce website. Make sure that the navigation is easy to use and that customers can find what they’re looking for quickly. The navigation should also be consistent throughout the site, so that customers know where they are at all times.

3. Not Having a Call to Action

Every page on your website should have a call to action. This could be as simple as “Add to cart” or “Sign up for our newsletter”. Having a call to action will help customers take the next step and make a purchase or sign up for your mailing list.

4. Ignoring SEO

Search engine optimisation (SEO) is an essential part of any website. If you’re not taking SEO into consideration, you’re missing out on potential customers who are searching for products or services related to your business. Make sure that you’re using the right keywords and optimizing your content for search engines.

5. Not Having a Secure Checkout

When customers are checking out, they want to know that their information is secure. Make sure that your checkout process is secure and that your customers’ information is protected.

6. Too Many Ads

Ads can be a great way to generate revenue, but having too many ads on your website can be distracting and off-putting to customers. Make sure that you only have ads that are relevant to your customers and that don’t take away from the user experience.

7. Not Testing

Before you launch your website, make sure that you’re testing it. Test the usability, the performance, and the functionality of your website to make sure that everything is working correctly.

8. Not Using High-Quality Images

Using low-quality images on your website can be a major turn-off for customers. Make sure to use high-quality images that accurately represent the products that you are selling. This will help to create a professional and trustworthy look.

9. Overloading the Page with Content

Too much content on a page can be overwhelming for customers. Make sure to keep the page focused and only include relevant content. This will help to keep customers engaged and will help to ensure that the page loads quickly.


There are a few crucial web design mistakes that can really hurt your ecommerce business. Avoid using too much text, not having a clear call to action, and not making your site mobile-friendly. Instead, focus on creating a clean and streamlined design, with easy to navigate menus and plenty of visuals. And most importantly, make sure your site is easy to use on all devices. By following these simple tips, you can ensure that your ecommerce business will be successful.

If you need ecommerce web design services in Cardiff, you can hire EMBARK for your next project. We are a web design and digital marketing agency that can help you grow your business in ways you never expected.

Get in touch with us to learn more about our services.


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